How could I abstain artistically from this important anniversary of the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor catastrophe and the persecution of my ancestors from their beloved homeland, Asia Minor. I still have in my ears and in my soul the endless conversations and descriptions of my mother Evangelia and my father Pantelis about my beloved homeland, Asia Minor, about their lives and their daily lives, about the war, about the persecution, about the tragic losses and refugees, about the consolation when they saw the place where they would settle, today’s Artaki, Nea Artaki, as it reminded them of the old Artaki where they lived and grew up, the homeland they lost, brutally and painfully. I tried, through these works to highlight, with absolute respect, in sections, on the one hand, the peaceful life of our Asia Minor ancestors, The culture, the tradition, the manners and customs that with pain of soul they carried with them to their new homeland and transmitted to us on the other hand, the war and the absolute destruction, the tragic persecution and its imprint on the faces and souls of those who experienced them.
During the creation of these works, I revived, with tears in my eyes and emotion, the past, the memories, the experiences, the words, the moments with my beloved parents from Asia Minor, who raised me and raised me with principles, values and ethos.
These works of mine are a tribute and an elegy to the PEACE, LOVE, PRIDE, DIGNITY, CULTURE AND TRADITION of our Asia Minor refugee ancestors, who lost everything in a brutal and absolute way, but did not lose their thirst for life, prosperity and progress, did not lose their soul and their culture and contributed the most, the progress and development of Greece. And we, successors of our worthy ancestors, pay tribute today to those who fought with strength of soul for peace, love and prosperity of our country.